>Future of PC Gaming? What about consoles?
>Well, this is quite out of the norm. The developer of the Age of Empires series, Chris Taylor, is telling us not to worry about the future of PC gaming, but more worry about the future of the one trick pony console.
He brings up some solid points in the short article from MaximumPC. Consoles are limited, despite Netflix and other features they have, they are just gaming machines with outdated hardware and little flexibility. As I was informed today, an Apple TV Box actually has more gaming power than a Wii. That’s not good.
It is also encouraging to hear this from a developer, because as we’ve been told incessantly over the past few years that it’s so much easier to develop games for the console. Minus Blizzard, most studios have sort of echoed this pro-console statement, so it’s nice to hear another one sticking up for the PC. He also says the piracy issues of PC are going by the wayside in his opinion. This is encouraging for all of us who PC game.
What do you think? Is any side of this debate right?
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