>This is a new series we’re going to be testing out here at Google. Wait, sorry, I have no idea what I’m talking about. To the video machine! Also, Aplfisher had nothing to do with today’s selection of YouTubes. All the CSS is just a terrible coincidence. Also also, in honour of PvtJ8ker’s last day of High School English, you’re getting a million videos today.
Bropile friend and opinionated SOB Obviously Jesus welcomes new subs over some CSS gameplay:
The tattooed man/legend, Nick, posts his first ever WaW PC action for us:
xPups throws down the Source-gauntlet over on HeartBreakerNation:
KBMOD does not condone violence against police, but NuketownN00b made a pretty slick vid:
First ever vid from Skeptic, I think he will have a bright future on YT:
Trout paid me to do this. If he says otherwise he’s lying. I still want him to be my sugar daddy:
Utorak007, with some hilarious BFBC2 in-game chat:
Slow day, so up + coming new commentator Synwyn gets some love for his latest Promod expedition:
Title: Absentee Staff Member
About: Alex is a proud Rhodes Scholar currently living in his vehicle, a 1993 Toyota Camry, so that he may be closer to the rhode. As an avid cinemagoer, often he will go for six or seven hours at a time playing air hockey with unattended minors in the arcade without ever actually seeing a film, before returning home to his Camry. On weekends he dresses himself up as a Little Sister from his favourite video game BioShock before attending Bear and Twink Conventions in search of his Big Daddy. Currently runs the KBMOD YouTube Channel.
Welcome to the May 2018 version of our PC build guides. We have implemented price targets ($800, $1400, $2000) on ourselves and have had to make trade-offs with each build. Your personal budget will likely be flexible, but we hope this article will give you …:: Read More »