>Dishonored is an upcoming assassination game from Arkane Studios. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s going to be first person, and you play a bodyguard framed for the murder of his charge. You then have to basically get out of jail and find a way to clear this situation up.
You have some supernatural powers, but you also have gadgets and your fists to get out of situations. For instance, from the Game Informer write-up “Stop time and knock a bunch of stuff off a table in one direction then book it in another, so the guards search for you in the wrong place.” This indicates some stealth and cunning. You can move unseen or cause chaos. The chaos option, unlike Just Cause can change the world for the worse, not just the better. You won’t really notice it maybe until later, when a way might be blocked due to an earlier action. it isn’t an alignment meter ala Dungeons and Dragons, there is no hard and fast good or bad, just change.
Overall the game looks like a combination of Assassin’s Creed, Deus Ex, Thief, and a plain old FPS. I can’t wait for a trailer.