>Planetside 2 Dev Thinks the Game can Revolutionize MMOs
>The MMOFPS genre is a weak one at best. Consisting of really, well, Planetside. No one has ever made it work right. Thousands of players at once in one giant FPS game is technically a challenge, not to mention making the gameplay work and be fun and not a lag filled mash up.
But in this interview with Kotaku, the creative director for Planetside 2, Matt Higby, thinks they can make it work this time. They think they have the game engine now to make it work, as well as the servers to handle it. Frankly, they don’t have that much time to get players hooked in and make it work. Much speculation has gone into Blizzard’s next game, and a lot of signs point to it being an MMOFPS. If and when Blizzard drops that game or even announces it will have a tremendous effect on Planetside 2‘s chances of succeeding.
I really want to see Planetside 2 personally, but there is no release date information at all yet. if they make it work it could be incredibly fun. Did anyone out there even play Planetside that can provide us with some insight in the comments?
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