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Published on August 22nd, 2011 | by Dan


>Slightly Off-topic: Stanford Offering Free Comp Sci Classes

>This might be the first post of it’s nature, but I felt it was important. If you are into PC gaming, maybe you want to go into computers as a job. Now, rounding your skills and knowledge became a little bit easier.

Stanford is offering some free online Comp Sci courses. Don’t worry, these aren’t half-assed. Obviously a lot is put on you as it’s self teaching really, but in the end you’ll have a great deal more knowledge than you did. You don’t get the fancy paper degree, but you will have the skills.

Basically, this can really help you out. The more skills the better for a job in Information Tech, no matter what it is.

You can find more information in these links:

MaximumPC – Study Comp Sci at Stanford, Free

Study group on Reddit with more details

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Avatar photoDan

I put the OO in Swagoo. One of the founders of KBMOD. I stream on Twitch as well as writing and editing for the website.

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