>Featured YouTubes of the Day 9/26/11
>We start things off today with LeggendarioIT. Don’t let this lad’s young-sounding voice turn you off. He is well-spoken and very solid with the scope in Promod!
Atanvay shows us how to get SLI working properly and the best way to benchmark your PC.
It’s been a while since we’ve really helped Shibby2142 out, so I thought we’d really help him out today ’cause it really helps him out.
It’s always fun to see someone who loves bears take their first couple baby steps into the land of PC gaming. It may not be pretty folks…but EatMyDiction1 is trying.
Last but not least, we have a nice short edit from xTaNg0 that features some cool syncing and insane sniper multikills.
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