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Published on September 2nd, 2011 | by Dan


>The Month in Games for KBMOD

>This is a new feature which should normally be out on the 1st of each month. It will be little blurbs about what we played this month. We also want to know what you were playing, big or small games! Put it in the comments!

Dan: I gamed a lot of TF2 in August. Once we had the server up, it was a main thing for me. I also played Bastion quite a bit, I’m a few hours into it, with no sign of slowing. Review coming soon on that. Global Agenda is something I want to get into desperately but haven’t had the time. World of Warcraft as always is a persistent title for me.

John: I have the opposite of OCD. I jump around from game to game more than anybody I know. The only titles that have ever held my attention for significant periods of time have been WoW, TF2, CS:S (when it was new, that shit sucks now) and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Over the last few weeks, my love has been rekindled for TF2. For some reason, after not really playing much for about a year, I came back better than ever. If I may toot my own horn… I’m better than everyone at FPS games. These are just facts. So that’s what I’ve been playing this month. I jump on WoW from time to time, as it’s a nice way to escape from reality. I lost my father about a month ago, and WoW was definitely helpful during my grieving stage. So basically… I play TF2 now, and that’s about it. Come into our server. I’ll kill you 800 times and make you want to drown a puppy. I, too, am in Dan’s boat. WoW will always be a major timesink in my gaming expeditions. It’s just too damned good.

Brandon: I’ve been playing quite a bit of TF2 lately, especially since the inception of our new TF2 server. Also, since the announcement of CS:GO, I’ve been playing a bit of CS here and there with Scott to get re-acclimated with the CS playstyle before CS:GO’s launch. Lastly, I’ve still been playing Quake Live off and on to keep working on my twitch skills. I can’t wait for the month of September, when we should see the betas for Tribes: Ascend and Battlefield 3!
Alex: This month has been a period of transition for myself. Because of that, I’ve been slacking on the video games. However, when I can spare a free moment between exhausting days of packing and moving or rehearsing and performing I like to jump on Dead Space 2. Not totally sure why. I enjoyed the game to an extent during my first playthrough on lolconsole, but this time on PC playing at 250 fps with the headphones cranked way up; I’ve become addicted. Actually, I think that might be why. Other than that I’ve jumped on the TF2 wagon like the other gentlemen, my preferred classes being the soldier, sniper and spy. The last two I play solely for enjoyment however since I’m pretty terrible with them. Also, BioShock.

Bob: When I get a few minutes of free time, I’ll typically play Battlefield Bad Company 2. I’ve been known to play Team Fortress 2 on occasion as well, but typically only on the KBMOD server. A few nights ago I joined Scott and Brandon for a bit of Counter Strike Source – admittedly took MUCH longer than I would have liked to warm up and re-acclimate myself to a game that I hadn’t played in… 6 years? I did feel pretty good about the last few rounds, which caused Scott to scream “WHAT?!” on a few occasions. My highlight of the night had to have been on dust, in the tunnel, when he tossed down a flash-bang from above and managed to blind me. He jumped down to take me out, and in a panic I sprayed my P90 everywhere. Guess how that ended.

Scott: I play CS:S with Incredible Orb and refuse to play with Bob now because he crouch walks with a P90 and I don’t know how to handle it.


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Avatar photoDan

I put the OO in Swagoo. One of the founders of KBMOD. I stream on Twitch as well as writing and editing for the website.

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