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Published on September 7th, 2011 | by Bob


>We’ve added a PayPal donation button

>Some of you have been asking us if you can donate to the site to help us out. To that end, you may notice that we have added a PayPal donation button on the left side of the page.

Please keep in mind that any donations received are kept entirely separate from any advertisement revenue we receive. Donations will only be used to help fund community projects: things like game servers, a Ventrilo server, charity events, etc. Be assured that the KBMOD staff will in no way profit from these donations.
We sincerely appreciate those of you who would like to donate to help us grow this awesome community, but please don’t feel obligated. As such with a 100% voluntary donation, please do not expect or request personal perks in return. At this time, we are not selling reserved slots or admin rights for our servers.

This is a community for those of us that love all things PC gaming, and you guys, our loyal readers, are the only reason we do this. Thank you for your continued support.

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