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Published on October 24th, 2011 | by Brandon


>Battlefield 3 launch draws near, reviews begin popping up

>Well, the wait is almost over.  After months of what felt like unprecedented hype for a video game, Battlefield 3 unlocks for PC players in less than 24 hours.  As such, reviews of the game have started popping up all over the web.

Unsurprisingly, the media has given nearly unanimous praise to Battlefield 3, as evidenced by its overall Metacritic score of 93/100 at the time of this writing.  Notable reviews so far include GameSpy (5/5 stars), Game Informer (9.5/10), and IGN (9.0/10).  Notably absent, however, is a review from PC Gamer, who has cited that constant connection issues experienced in co-op and multiplayer modes during the review period haven’t allowed them to get adequate playing time to write a review as of yet.

Judging by the scores above, it’s obvious that the content of the reviews were overwhelmingly positive.  However, reviewers did note that, for better or worse, the single player campaign felt very similar to recent Call of Duty titles–that is, a gritty, highly scripted narrative that plays out like an action movie.  (I suppose some will like this style and some won’t.)  As expected, some reviewers raved about Battlelog, while others found it cumbersome and would have preferred the server browser and squad options stay in-game, rather than in an external web browser.

By and large, where Battlefield 3 seems to win everyone over is with its multiplayer offering.  Reviewers commented on the epic 64-man gameplay experience across nine spacious maps, complemented by the stunning visuals of the Frostbite 2 engine on PC.

So, for those of you who were down on Battlefield 3 after the beta, have these initial reviews caused you to change your mind?

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Brandon started his PC gaming days playing Doom II (IDDQD/IDKFA for life) and has been hooked on online gaming since the original Starsiege: Tribes. The way to his heart is through proper grammar, corn dogs, and cookie cake.

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