>Minecraft Goes Educational.
>Minecraft is one of the most popular titles in the world. Mojang have created something unique and addictive. It is the most watched game on YouTube. Now, some modders are tackling education through the game.
Minecraftedu.com is a mod for schools to use with Minecraft to teach various things. Portal was one of the first games to be used in this way, to teach spacial awareness and problem solving skills. Minecraft is already a creative endeavor with the ability to build anything you want. Schools are working with that in mind to teach creative thinking and building skills. History teachers are even having students recreate past societies in the game. I am in the process of building a computer for Minecraft and Portal for my son to use, solely for the educational value (and of course to get him drinking the KBMOD kool-aid at a young age). I will definitely be donating to give the mod a try for his computer. I always enjoy when gaming and education cross paths, because it gives gaming some credibility in circles where it might be dismissed.
For those of you who are more into the pure fun side of the Minecraft world, PCgamer has posted a list of their top 25 Minecraft mods.
Get building!
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