The Basement Just Got Nicer
What constitutes a dream? Is it quantifiable or intangible? Is it stronger than a wish, a want or a desire? Can it be a few video game enthusiasts casually discussing on GChat a PC gaming exclusive blog aimed at creating and nurturing a strong and dedicated community while bringing the latest news on software, hardware and releases? While discussing, did they think that in just six short months their concept would be bringing in a steady 100,000 hits a month? Did they think they’d have a successful podcast bearing their name? Did they think they’d be speaking and interacting with developers? Reviewing products? Opening forums? Managing game servers? Selling shirts? Representing themselves at gaming conventions? Raising over $33,000 for children’s charity? Did they think they’d have to upgrade their hosting to handle the traffic after re-launching with a smoother, cleaner and independent new interface? Did they think that at the time of inception their concept was strong enough to catch fire and forged from the stuff that defines a dream? Well if they didn’t then, they do now.
Keyboard + Mouse or Die is a weird mix. While the timeline of its successes sounds like a made-for-TV sequel to The Social Network, there’s another very different story behind-the-scenes. The one where all the staff members that write for this blog love talking about penises. The one where all of the staff members that write for this blog love trolling each other. The one where all the staff members that write for this blog play video games not for the money, but for the enjoyment it still brings them. KBMOD mixes the astonishing success a humble idea can achieve, achieved in large part from the fun a group of people can have building a seriously dedicated community. Nobody here takes themselves too seriously, that was never the goal and a big reason why we’ve been able to accomplish what we have so far. But stepping back from all the fun every once and a while it’s unbelievable to imagine all this spawned from a simple catch-phrase.
KBMOD was started from the basement. Literally. From the basement of dedicated individuals that received no compensation for their hours of hard work, KBMOD is now what you see today. And what you see today is the product of your involvement. Our hard work is simply an attempt to mirror your vehement support. Being a part of something from the ground floor can be exciting, being a part of something you have a hand in shaping everyday can be defining. So troll our forums, listen to our podcast, read our articles, drop a comment, take or leave our recommendations, follow us on Twitter, rep our tag, play in our servers and disable ad block on our site (haha…but seriously). Being actively involved in something you helped build is all we could ever ask for. This is my personal welcome to KBMOD 2.0, and my thank you for supporting KBMOD.
The basement has been getting bigger, and it just got a lot nicer too.
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