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Published on December 20th, 2011 | by Dan


Live Podcast Details for Tonight

Tonight’s KBMOD Podcast will be broadcast live on the KBMOD TwitchTV channel.

It will also be recorded for those who can’t make it, so it should be on all the other usual channels Wednesday.

Tonight’s show starts with the pre-show at 11 PM EST.  Once John gets online, the KBMOD Awards and Year in Review show will begin!  We will also do some post-show shenanigans. Twitter questions will be done live during the stream.

Awards will be given out in categories such as:

Game of the Year
Best Multiplayer
Best Graphics
Best Story
Best PC Exclusive
Best Indie
Worst Game of the Year
Best Esports Title
Best Game for YouTube
Best Beta

and more!  Enjoy the show and insanity that is sure to ensue.

Photo credit and big thank you to follower @oo7plasma


22 Responses to Live Podcast Details for Tonight


Avatar photoDan

I put the OO in Swagoo. One of the founders of KBMOD. I stream on Twitch as well as writing and editing for the website.

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