Introducing the KBMOD Top 5 PC Plays!
I’m going to level with you: when the idea for a Top 5 series for the KBMOD YouTube channel first popped into my head I didn’t think it would work. After all, aren’t there already thousands of Top 5 series littering the YouTube landscape?
Then it hit me. We are KBMOD. This won’t be a normal Top 5; nothing is normal here! Add a little KBMOD flair to the whole process, ya know? That’s exactly what we’re going to do. Hold onto your keyboards. I’m about to tell you how you can get your clip onto our awesome new show.
First off – render the clip out in a video editing program (preferable in 720p or above). We don’t want your 110 gig non compressed crap. Secondly, upload it to a file sharing site like Media Fire ( or Zshare ( Copy the download URL and send it in an email to along with the follow info:
Your Name
Your Gaming Handle
Your Twitter and/or YouTube channel link
Name of the game
A brief description of the clip
That’s it. Simple right?
Keep in mind that pretty much any funny, epic, or skillful clip from any game (as long as it’s PC footage!) is welcomed. This Top 5 is gonna be extremely eclectic.
Each episode a different KBMOD contributor will be commentating the clips. So get recording folks!
Scott out.
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