Published on October 16th, 2013 | by Dan
The Stanley Parable Demo (Game of the Year?)
I played the original Stanley Parable Source mod a while ago. It was unlike any other gaming experience. The main point of the “game” was to make you think about playing games. Was the game ordering you around? Do you have any choice in games? It was an interesting and humorous experience to have.
Since the original mod was released creator Davey Wreden has retooled and reworked the mod for an HD re-release which comes out tomorrow. The demo above was released a week or so ago and has caused a stir around gaming circles. I thoroughly enjoyed playing it and if you have some time and aren’t sure about buying the game, you should definitely get the demo. It will give you a taste of what this experience is all about and to top that off, it is pretty damn funny. Enjoy!
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