Closed: Changes and Improvements at KBMOD – Fill Out Our Community Survey!
Thank you for the feedback, we have 246 responses. I’m going to do some data analysis and write up a post explaining them to you all. Thanks!
You may have noticed there have been some changes at KBMOD recently. We’ve been producing a great deal more content, we’ve had more streams, and we’ve been more consistent with all content and social media. We’ve changed a few things that has allowed us to do this. We started using a tool called Slack a few months ago that really increased our communication. The second big change was the introduction to Trello, which is a light project management tool. It’s helped us keep content relevant and published in a timely basis.
Since we’ve been publishing more content we want to make sure that we’re producing content that the community really enjoys. We have some big plans for KBMOD this year that will BLOW YOUR MIND. So, we want to make sure we’re doing things that will help KBMOD thrive. To that end, we’ve put together a survey to get feedback from the community. Please help us by filling out the survey below!
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