KBMOD GOTY Staff Picks
Another year is coming to a close, and that means we here at KBMOD are at it again with another take at Game of the Year choices. This seems to be something we change our approach to every year, but I feel we have finally nailed down what works best for us as a group. Below you will find everyone’s own personal choice for GOTY and a short blurb explaining why it is. Some are serious… some not so much, but that’s what KBMOD is all about!
Andrew – Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
Hex – DOOM
Hey look, I didn’t pick some side scrolling indie platformer! DOOM somehow against all odds released and wasn’t a complete disaster. After an extremely disappointing multiplayer beta, and Bethesda not sending out early review copies for the campaign, I was not hopeful for DOOM. It languished in development hell for years, and was scrapped almost completely at one point. The single player campaign for DOOM was everything it needed to be and then some. Fast paced, full of demons, explosions and gore. They even made the melee combat feel like it was right at home with the glory kill system. The multiplayer was and still is a disappointment, and the mod tools leave much to be desired, but for the 13 hours it took me to go from the sarcophagus you wake up in, to stomping the brain of the Spider Mastermind, it was magical.
NikonPunch – DOOM
I got to blow shit up, it was fun.
FakeGhostPirate – Forza Horizon 3
My super-biased GOTY has got to go to Forza Horizon 3. No game has put a smile on my face as wide or as often as this stupid racing game. Putting aside my automotive biases, my runner up would have to be SUPERHOT purely for the aesthetic, original gameplay, and the scene where I shoot my virtual self in the head.
Here is our review on Forza Horizon 3’s DLC: Blizzard Mountain
Suros_Six – Titanfall 2
Its fluid movement is really what grabbed me. Allowing me to run horizontally across a wall, double jump onto a roof, slide across said roof, before using my grappling hook to fly onto an enemy Titan before yanking out its battery is a great way to capture my heart. Titanfall 2 makes all of those back to back movements feel like one smooth stroke opposed to a bunch of small clunky individuals ones which makes for an enjoyable experience. This coupled with solid gunplay is what allows Titanfall 2 to deliver great gameplay. To top it all off, the single-player campaign provided a fun, fresh experience that most military shooters fail to deliver.
Here is our Titanfall 2 Review
Brad – Battlefield 1
Battlefield 1 has to go down as my game of the year for 2016 for a number of reasons. As an avid FPS player and Battlefield fan, EA got another happy customer. I feel as Battlefield 1 was this perfect blend of gameplay mechanics borrowed from BF4 and BF:BC2 and I fell more in love with it every second I was playing. The pace feels so natural, nothing feels borderline “broken” and I just have a ton of fun – no matter what I jump into. There’s a multitude of game mode options, squad play seems to just work, vehicles aren’t a pain in the ass to control and the maps are completely gorgeous. The way you unlock weapons with “warbonds” (promptly borrowed from SW: Battlefront) is great so I can unlock the weapons I know I’d like instead of having to grind through a million levels. Additionally, it appears that the devs learned how important it is to listen to the fans back from when they were working on BF4 because we’re getting consistent updates and decent community interaction. It is not a perfect game by any means, but I believe for the reasons I mentioned Battlefield 1 will be my go-to for quick and extended gaming sessions as we go balls deep into 2017.
Zumar – Overwatch
In true Blizzard fashion they have delivered a game with a unique, colorful design with a load of diverse characters all with their own distinct backstory. The game play is fast-paced, dynamic and, most importantly, fun. Blizzard has done a great job in making the game accessible for everyone with their match-making system, even basics like me can have a good time!
Bob – Overwatch
Because Tracer is a lesbian and it made a lot of people really upset – I like it when people get upset. Also, because I said so
Coppertank – Stardew Valley
I spent 14 hours playing Stardew Valley the day that I purchased it. Having never played any of the Harvest Moon games prior to, I was very interested to see what a game like this had to offer. I ended up with a lot more than I bargained for upon discovering that while farming is certainly a large portion of the game, it is accompanied by other activities such as fishing, mining, smelting, cooking, brewing, cheesemaking, dungeoneering, and even questing. I became incredibly addicted as I found myself constantly wanting to not only improve my farm, but the town itself. Much like the “One more turn…” we all experience when playing games from the Civilization series, I found myself playing “One more day…” in Stardew Valley.
Tim – Darkest Dungeon
Never have I ever hated a game but loved it with all my heart at the same time. Darkest Dungeon is one of those games that takes your mistakes, and exploits the living hell out of them. Leaving you in a pool of your own tears surrounded by the corpses of your now dead party. However, the feeling you get when beating a boss without losing a single soldier, learning from your mistakes, makes the victory taste oh so sweet. I have yet to even delve into the “Darkest Dungeon” due to the fact of the game breaking me spiritually. However, one day I will return with a vengeance and I will claim my victory.
Here is our Darkest Dungeon Review
Well there you have it ladies and gentleman, our personal picks for 2016 GOTY. There is no clear right or wrong choice, unless you’re talking to Bob… Bob is always right and you are always wrong. What is your choice for 2016 GOTY? Let us know in the comments below what it is and why! I know it’s a struggle to pick one clear winner but you can do it, I believe in you.