>Blacks Ops Mod Tools: Redemption?
Black Ops is a mediocre game. I enjoy playing it a bit, but it really lacks that “it” factor. The Call of Duty franchise has really stagnated since CoD4 revolutionized it. Whether that’s because they are just money grabbing or flat out making poor choices with the direction of the series, we don’t know.
However, today, Black Ops gets a bit of redemption. Second Chance Pro came out today for Black Ops, oh sorry, I mean mod tools. I played quite a bit of modded servers that were basically running out of people’s houses over the weekend and overall the results were positive. A 24 man gun game server on which we had hours of fun, and of course the new Promod type servers. There are two mods so far that I played trying to simulate promod. cmMod is the first and is clearly the less polished of the two. cmMod had broken class selection menus and in earlier iterations still had sniper sway (later in the day they had removed it). Positively it removed all fog, particles, and smoke from the maps and frame rates were amazing. PromodMAX was the other mod I played and it did everything cmMOd did, but had COD4 promod style menus and no sniper sway right away. From what I’ve heard from modders the only issues so far are the frag priming can’t be turned off and the knife lunge can’t be fixed.
Other mods I played were an insane roll the dice mod you might have seen on youtube. It’s hard to describe but its like COD on acid. Literally. I also tried some zombie mods with the creepy uniform zombies. They weren’t real models, it was very strange. Keep in mind all of these are self modded and unfinished. I think this will really bring some great things to the game. We were already having a ton of fun this weekend with broken mods.
To find modded servers (although today there will be many more) go to the unranked servers tab and change the filter for mods to “Yes”.