>KBMOD’s 1st Game Night Wrap Up
>As some of you may or may not have seen we had our first game night on the Steam Group on Friday night. We had around 20 folks show up! It went pretty well, but we definitely have some kinks to work out.
We communicated the IPs for new servers on the event itself, but also in the chat room that the group provides. So please, next time we do one, please just join the KBMOD chat room straight away. We lost some folks after the first server, which I apologize for but we did communicate the new server. One other thing is in, it will be helpful in this setting to have your in game voice com working as it’s just more fun that way. I know I don’t normally use it, but I did this night.
Everyone seemed to have a great time, and overall it went smoothly. It seems that we may have a community vent next time around which should help. That is tentative though. I also don’t have a date set in stone yet (I have a family and YouTube to schedule around). We will do another as people really seemed to enjoy themselves.
Hope to see you on!
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