>What We Learned in the Pre-E3 Pressers
What KBMOD learned today:
1. Kinect could kill serious gaming on the X-box. No seriously, what the hell? If I had Mass Effect 3 for console and they somehow replaced all the voice acting and made me say lines, I’d be royally pissed. Yes I know, that’s more extreme than it is, but come on. Leave motion control for the games it was made for, don’t shoe-horn gimmicks into existing franchises.
Also, the Wii is still better, and Wii 2 will house everything in that genre again. For the PC, this is good news, because the PC is where real gaming belongs.
2. Modern Warfare 3 looks like a MW2 expansion pack. Second Chance is somehow still a perk. Rumor is the fight for dedicated servers for PC is raging internally at IW. I will say this, we here at KBMOD will NOT be purchasing the game if that doesn’t happen.
3. Battlefield 3.
4. Holy crap, Battlefield 3. They showed mostly PC footage for the press conference. This game was clearly made for the PC, 32v32 action. You can go prone, and a free online service in Battlelog (take that Activision!) to track stats and do everything Elite will do. Just free. EA took some shots today at Activision, which in this blog’s opinion, is great. Call of Duty can be a great product again, but it desperately needs a longer development cycle. BF3 proves that. Open beta will be great. We will see you there in September!
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