>Origin’s EULA raises eyebrows.
Editor’s note: Please read the article link at the bottom to fully understand this.
Just when Origin was growing on me, this news comes down. The guys over at the Escapist discovered this gem.
It appears there is a clause in the Origin EULA that basically states EA can scan any and all data on your hard drive. Not just that pertaining to its games. You agree to this by installing the software. It isn’t necessarily that EA wants to collect everything, Steam also collects data. The difference is Steam is only collecting data about games on Steam. Who knows, this might be EA’s goal as well, but they reserve the right to scan it all.
EA can collect everything. And then uses it with your personal data to advertise directly to you! It really is an invasion of privacy, no matter which way you cut it. Apparently this has been part of the EULA on other EA games as well, so it’s not new. That doesn’t make me feel any better about it. I will still get Battlefield 3. Will you?
Rock, Paper, Shotgun contacted Ea, but have no response as of yet.
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