>Planetside 2 will be F2P
>Planetside 2 is the upcoming sequel to MMO FPS Planetside. It is due sometime in 2012. Planetside 2 looks promising. We’ve posted about it here before and talked about it on the podcast.
It has a lot going for it and we certainly hope it works. Now details have emerged from RockPaperShotgun that it will be based on a Free to Play model. This is welcome news for any game, especially a big MMO release such as this. They haven’t decided on a model yet, and that will have great impact on whether or not it succeeds. It will also support up to 2000 players fighting in battle at once. That will be an amazing sight to behold.
Beta will be dropping late this year or early in 2012. No word on sign ups yet. As I’ve said before, I think if this is done right it can give Blizzard’s Project Titan a run. That’s a lot to ask, but it has the backing publisher to do it.
Special thanks to twitter follower @chad1312