Hitachi gives new meaning to “Big in Japan”
Looking for something to store MASSIVE amounts of data on? Hitachi has officially won the race to 4TB in a single 3.5in drive. It had been spotted as available friday from online vendors in Japan for the equivalent of $345 US, prior to the official announcement from Hitachi. It’s only a matter of time before the Hitachi Deskstar 5k4000 reaches other markets at a likely MSRP of $399 per Guru3d
Due to flooding in Thailand, hard drive prices have been greatly inflated and even 1TB drives have been consistently over $100. The near-$400 price tag does not entirely surprise me – 4TB in a single 3.5in form factor saves a significant amount of space and power, and generates less heat.
The flip-side is that this particular drive is not very quick – equipped with Hitachi’s CoolSpin technology, the 5k4000 has a 5900 RPM spindle speed, 32MB of Cache and a SATA 6gbps interface. I’ve not been able to source a benchmark, but it’s certainly not going to compete with the likes of the Western Digital Caviar Black. If you’re looking to store a TON of movies, music, and especially game play recordings, this might be one to add to your build.
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