Published on December 7th, 2011 | by Dan
5Serious Sam Delivers a DRM Surprise to Pirates
Serious Sam 3: BFE is one crazy FPS game. Big guns, gore and an old school mentality make it a fun and rage-inducing mixture. Lots of folks have bought the game, which comes with no DRM and they aren’t having any issues blasting baddies. The developers of the game even said that they truly believed people would buy a quality product, and they’ve been mostly right.
As you all know, we here at KBMOD do not endorse pirating games. It hurts us, the gamers, in the end. The developers over at Croteam seem to agree. But instead of going the Ubisoft route and putting ridiculous DRM on the end product, they’ve opted to go the invincible, dual-weilding scorpion route.
Wait what?
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