Tribes: Ascend adds team deathmatch mode, reduces price of loadouts
Hi-Rez Studios continues to iterate the Tribes: Ascend closed beta at a breakneck pace, and they released a patch today with some great new additions.
The main highlight is that a new team deathmatch gametype has been added. For those worried that TDM isn’t very “Tribes-like,” this TDM has a twist: a flag spawns after the first death in the match, and the team holding the flag earns a bonus for each kill. For now, team deathmatch can be played on two maps, Dry Dock Night and Crossfire.
Also noteworthy is that the cost to unlock loadouts with tokens has been reduced 35 percent, down from 15000 tokens to 9800. Other highlights include more video options (including a much-requested option to reduce weapon size), a new “Orbital Strike” call-in, fixes for some uphill skiing bugs, and a number of balance changes.
You can read the full patch notes here, and make sure to check out this week’s podcast episode for our interview with Bart Koenigsberg from Hi-Rez Studios!
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