Tribes: Ascend Soldier Utility Pack Giveaway!
UPDATE: All keys claimed!
To celebrate the official launch of Tribes: Ascend, we’re giving away 200 in-game Utility Packs for the Soldier class! The Utility Pack gives the Soldier versatility by granting an additional grenade slot, more health, and faster run speed in exchange for decreased energy.
All you need to do to grab your key is head over to this page! (If you already have the Soldier Utility Pack unlocked on your account, redeeming one of these keys won’t give you anything extra, so perhaps keep that in mind before claiming one.)
Once you’ve claimed a key for yourself, redeeming it is easy:
- If you haven’t already, go download Tribes: Ascend.
- Start up the game and log in with your username and password.
- On the in-game menu, click on Extras.
- On the next menu, click on Redeem Promotion and type in your code.
- That’s all there is to it. Enjoy your new Soldier Utility Pack!
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