Published on May 30th, 2012 | by Dan
4Doom 3: BFG Edition Coming This Fall
Doom 4 was announced in 2008 and fans were excited to delve into the seminal FPS series once again. However, since then there has only been silence from id Software. Now though, there is some good news. If you are starving for some demon-infested corridor shooter action, wait no more! Doom 3: BFG Edition is coming.
BFG Edition will be a revamped version of Doom 3. There will be remastered graphics as well as rebuilt render and lighting systems for modern PCs and consoles. BFG Edition will also include some revamped game play aspects, and these won’t come without controversy. Id Software have decided to include an armor mounted flashlight, something that goes against the dark, uneasy feeling that defined Doom 3. In the original game, you had to make a choice to take out your flashlight and use it, leaving you defenseless. This truly added to the game’s atmosphere and hopefully the persistent flashlight will be an option, not mandatory. Ammo drops have also been increased to ease the necessity of lockers and chests. Last, in what is probably the best change in BFG Edition, there will now be frequent checkpoint saves, rather than the frustrating manual save system.
BFG Edition will include the original Doom 3 as well as the expansion pack, Resurrection of Evil. New content will include a 7 map campaign called “The Lost Mission.” To top things off, you also get Doom and Doom II with it. The pack is set to arrive this fall for all Doom fanatics out there. While you wait, watch KBMOD podcast host Scott scare himself to death playing some Doom 3:
Source: Ars Technica
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