DayZ to Become Standalone Game
In DayZ, your character starts out unarmed and completely alone. Now the DayZ mod itself will be setting out on a lone journey of its own. In a Tumblr post today, DayZ lead developer Dean “Rocket” Hall confirmed that DayZ will become a standalone game. The game will be published by Bohemia Interactive, with Hall remaining as the project’s lead developer. Development will continue Minecraft-style, starting with an alpha version available at a highly discounted price that will receive frequent updates.
If you’re one of the many who bought ARMA II: Combined Operations just to play DayZ, don’t fret; you haven’t been forgotten. Six Updater/Launcher will still be around at, and it sounds like DayZ the mod will continue to be updated alongside the new standalone version.
This decision by Bohemia spells a new chapter in the life of a mod that has seen a wild level of success in such a short amount of time. Counting over a million players now, DayZ has transcended much of what we thought a game could be, providing thrills and tension on a level few gaming experiences ever have.
Hopefully things only get bigger and better from here as DayZ begins its path to becoming a full retail game. Keep your eye on KBMOD and the newly launched DayZ Game site for updates!
For now, check out this awesome video from Sacriel42 detailing a DayZ airstrip fight:
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