The KBMOD Uplink: February 18, 2013 – Destiny, FPS is Dead on PC?, BF3 End Game, Remember Me
Time for that Uplink ladies and gents. The podcast dove deep into a couple topics on today’s Uplink, so go check out the replay. The links today range from announcements to speculation to Cyberpunk Paris to Kyle Orland being himself. Read up!
-We start with the massive announcement from Bungie/Activision: Destiny. The new MMOFPS will drop later this year for the old consoles, but now there is speculation the game will come to PC (as it should!). We get that Bungie doesn’t do PC as a rule, but Ben Kuchera fleshes out the reasons it should this time. I really see this game coming to PC in the future, much like GTA V. In addition to the articles above, the MMO space is traditionally a dominant market for the PC, and I don’t see why Destiny should be any different.
-To accompany the Destiny news, there were some crazy words being thrown out by people who just want some website traffic. Kyle Orland did his usual dance over at Ars Technica writing an article about how FPS is dead on the PC. He pulls all kinds of magic numbers out of thin air to prove his point, which RockPaperShotgun then shot down, as only they can. Definitely read both these articles before judging the state of PC FPS gaming.
-Battlefield 3 is nearing the end of its extremely long DLC cycle and End Game DLC pack details are now coming out. There will be large maps, a capture the flag map focus and dirt bikes. And ramps to jump them off of. Check out the video below for more:
-Lastly we have some footage of upcoming cyberpunk game Remember Me. Capcom is publishing the game and it appears to have a bit of that DmC stylish fighting packed into a cyberpunk 2084 Paris. I am excited for this game because you can blow an enemies mind. Literally. Check out the trailer below and this Verge interview with developers Dotnod Entertainment for more.
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