Welcome to KBMOD 3.0
It’s been a long time coming, we’ve teased it, talked about it, redesigned it several times, and now it’s finally here. Welcome to KBMOD 3.0.
We couldn’t have gotten here without a lot of help, and the incredible talents of our Web Master Sean, and our designers Brandon, Farez and Ryan. There’s a lot of new stuff for you to check out, the biggest change being our forum system. We’ve migrated over all the old posts, and as many of the old accounts as we could. However, if you were a user of our forums that logged in via Twitter and had less than 10 posts, you’re going to need to sign up for the forums again. Unfortunately due to API changes at Twitter, we’ve discontinued offering them as a log in option. If you were a user that logged in with Twitter and had more than 10 posts, you can email Sean and he’ll get your account configured with the new login process. If you aren’t sure if you qualified for this, you can take a look at the list Sean has compiled here. Also, the main site and the forum logins are now separate, however you account information should be the same for both.
We’ve also heard you, you want to take a bigger role in KBMOD and the content we post here. You asked for it, and we listened. If you’ve got a story, an article, an opinion piece or something else you think we’d be interested in running here on the site, you can submit it via the Community Inbox and we’ll take a look at it. If we’re interested in running it, we’ll get back to you to go through the editing and publishing process before it goes live on the site.
It should also be easier for you to see which of our Live Streams, which streamer is live and when, as we’ve highlighted our upcoming events right here on the main page along with our most recent YouTube posts.
You’ll also notice certain things might be missing, namely the Dual Stream page. We’re in the process of reworking the layout for that, and will be adding it back in as soon as we can. There are also a couple of posts that content might not have moved over 100% correctly, we’re aware of that issue and are in the process of fixing those posts. If you happen across a bug, or an issue with the site, make sure you shoot us an email letting us know so we can get it sorted out.
In the mean time, take a look around. Get nice and cozy, this is your new KBMOD, and we’re so excited for it to finally be live.
Update: On the blog side, all users who logged in via twitter have been deleted. So please feel free to make a new account. On the forum side, still send Sean an email if you can’t log in. (Hint: try the password reset form first — just enter your username.)
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