>Call of Duty: Elite, Why You Shouldn’t Pay
>It has always been my belief that Pay-to-play only makes sense for one genre, the MMORPG. It has never made sense to me to pay money for an FPS, especially on PC. Someone is already paying for a dedicated server, why should I pay to play on the server someone else has already paid for?
So now we have Activision and Beachhead Studios releasing the news that there will be a “social gaming platform” for Call of Duty which will be pay to use. My first thoughts? What a joke. For let’s say 5 dollars a month, I don’t care to check my stats or get the new map packs anyway. The map packs are usually 15 dollars, that’s 3 months of the service. So if you get 2 map packs a year, you’ll get to pay 60 dollars for that year of service, when buying the map packs would cost 30.
They are also touting a social networking aspect for the service. For console, this is pointless, you can lobby with friends easily. For PC, it’s also pretty useless as you meet people in Steam groups (like ours) or on twitter or youtube to play with. You don’t have to pay anything for any of that.
I’ll play MW3, and I’ll continue to buy Call of Duty games, multiplayer is still free (the way they phrase that is so loathsome it’s unreal, but that’s another blog post). I just quite literally see no upside to this service at all. Keep playing how you do, PC gamers. This service isn’t anything you need.
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