>Ars Technica gets hands-on with MW3 survival mode
Ever since the announcement that the PC version will support dedicated servers, we here at KBMOD have had a somewhat renewed enthusiasm for Modern Warfare 3. Yesterday, Andrew Webster at Ars Technica posted some impressions of the game’s new survival mode that should have you Call of Dutyfans salivating.
Survival mode is a new co-op gametype where you are faced with enemies that come in waves, increasing in difficulty from each wave to the next. As you kill enemies, you gain money to spend at the armory on new weapons or things like sentry guns and airstrikes.
Interestingly, Webster says that survival mode sort of reminded him of a tower defense game. As you move around the map, enemies will come at you in different ways and from different directions, so it sounds like taking cover in one spot could require careful positioning or a strategic sentry gun placement. Webster also said that he only played five rounds and was already encountering attack dogs, helicopters and soldiers with suicide bombs, so it sounds like the difficulty scales up pretty quickly.
Though Modern Warfare 3 isn’t the first game to implement a survival mode, I think it definitely makes for an interesting addition. I’m sure Activision is hoping it serves as yet another reason for people to buy Modern Warfare 3, instead of skipping out and just continuing to play Black Ops. What do you think, does this make MW3 a more compelling purchase for you?
Check out the full Ars Technica article here.
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