>Hard Reset a Breath of Fresh PC Air
>The boys over at Flying Hog Studios have built a brand new engine and a brand new PC only experience for us. Hard Reset is coming out in September and according to the developer (Michael Szustak) is more old school:
“In the era of movie-like shooters almost ‘on rails,’ with player-environment interaction as limited as possible, we wanted to create a game for old-school PC players, raised on all those forgotten Dooms, Quakes, and Painkillers”
The levels will not be linear, they will have secrets, hidden areas and a lot of challenge. The game will be taken off the path and go more like Doom‘s serpentine levels. What I like best of all is that they engineered a new engine just for this game. I have a feeling this cyberpunk world will really come to life for the PC player. This is a single player only game. They poured everything into making the story and levels ebb and flow.
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