>Featured Youtubes of the Day
>This unexpected Diablo 3 footage has me all randy. So in that mood, here are the youtubes. I would encourage you to watch them all and to give these guys some likes if you like them. Viva LA PC:
First we have the beginning of a Non-Lethal play through of Deus Ex: Human Revolution from alertzach. This game mode is a huge challenge. Hopefully he sticks with it:
Next we have our very own John, commentating the always sexy WASDGamers Top 5:
Up next another top 5, the GSNgaming bros with their top 5 BLOPS plays and a shout to the KBMOD crew:
Next we have the awesomely named TheLadsBasically with some 2v2 Masters Starcraft II:
My boy, Sagesparten007 tweeted this PC dualtage at me, from Verkzor: