>Hard Reset Reviews Popping Up
>Hard Reset is the PC exclusive title we have been pretty excited for here at KBMOD. It is cheap, exclusive and built on a brand new engine. I’ve played the demo and can say I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed it so much I preordered the game.
Now the reviews are coming in. Not always a good barometer of a game (Duke Nukem Forever), but sometimes dead on (Duke Nukem Forever). See what I did there? Ben Kuchera over at Ars Technica has reviewed the game. I read the review for the sake of the site, but if you don’t want any spoilers I would skip it for now and play the game yourself tomorrow.
A couple highlights that don’t spoil anything is that the game is very fun and very difficult. If you like a challenge, this is your game. It made me rethink trying to play it through on insane as Mr. Kuchera said he was having trouble on normal. There is no cover and the environment is key to winning. You need to use everything around you to stop the horde of enemies coming after you.
We will have a review up sometime in the next couple weeks. Hopefully it isn’t too hard for that to happen.
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