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Published on September 26th, 2011 | by Brandon


>Star Wars: The Old Republic release date confirmed

>Over the weekend, Bioware announced that Star Wars: The Old Republic will officially launch on December 20 in North America and December 22 in Europe, just in time to disrupt your wrapping of those last-minute Christmas gifts. Those who pre-order the game will be able to unlock it and play before those dates, but no word has been given on how early pre-order customers will get to play.

The subscription fees for the game were also announced, and it looks like EA has decided to mirror World of Warcraft‘s pricing structure exactly:
  • 1 Month Subscription: $14.99 (£8.99/€12.99)
  • 3 Month Subscription: $13.99 per month (one-time charge of $41.97/£25.17/€35.97)
  • 6 Month Subscription: $12.99 per month (one-time charge of $77.94/£46.14/€65.94)
So, are any of you Star Wars fans planning on shunning your families for the holidays in order to get a head start on your character?

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Avatar photoBrandon

Brandon started his PC gaming days playing Doom II (IDDQD/IDKFA for life) and has been hooked on online gaming since the original Starsiege: Tribes. The way to his heart is through proper grammar, corn dogs, and cookie cake.

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