>BF3 is only a few days away, but if you want one last tease, here it is. I hope the game is bug free on release, so I can join you all on Battlelog and Origin. Do I see 6 squad members in the base jump shot?
5 Responses to >BF3 Multiplayer Trailer
I put the OO in Swagoo.
One of the founders of KBMOD. I stream on Twitch as well as writing and editing for the website.
Welcome to the May 2018 version of our PC build guides. We have implemented price targets ($800, $1400, $2000) on ourselves and have had to make trade-offs with each build. Your personal budget will likely be flexible, but we hope this article will give you …:: Read More »
5 Responses to >BF3 Multiplayer Trailer