>Skyrim World is Massive, Immersive
>Skyrim is close at hand and some previews have begun to leak out.
Today, Kotaku has posted a write-up on the immersive world of the game. If you wanted open world style, this game really delivers. The writer of the article took nearly an hour just to get a quest because he was just exploring.
The detail and time put into Skyrim make its price tag worth it already. You will get hundreds of hours out of this game if you so desire. In the article a picture of awesome depth is painted. The writer was distracted by numerous things around him and was able to interact with almost everything, not knowing where it would lead. He was able to catch fish with his hands, catch fireflies and view a wonderfully animated sky, not just a stationary sky box.
We are very excited for this release here at KBMOD, as we are almost all Oblivion fans. Now our only fear lies in whether or not Bethesda puts out another awful PC release. I somehow think they will atone for the Rage disgrace.
Skyrim releases 11/11/11.
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