Steam Doubles Sales for 7th Straight Year
“PC Gaming is dead!” was the cry for the last few years. Of course, here at KBMOD we know that not to be true, but the resurgence of the PC will be forever linked to the success of Steam.
For the 7th straight year, Steam doubled sales. For a segment that was dying it certainly seems to be doing a turn around. There are a lot of other mind boggling figures associated with Valve’s distribution service. 1800 games are now available on Steam. I think we bought most of them over the Christmas sale. 40 million accounts are registered and over 780 petabytes of data has been downloaded. That is defined as ‘a lot’ for those wondering how much a petabyte is.
Steamworks is playing a part in all this as well. The relationship between developers and Steam is overall healthy (well, minus EA). Developers want their games on Steam and Steam provides the best distribution tools possible for them. They get built in DRM and a massive audience straight away.
Steam being user friendly is also huge factor. We love Steam because we can hop right in and have all our games right there, accessible. It isn’t just Valve reaping the benefits, we all are. A healthy Steam is a healthy PC gaming community. Here’s to hoping it continues!
Source: PCGamer
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