Published on August 2nd, 2012 | by Dan
8Rise of the Triad Remake in the Works
UPDATE: The Apogee software site does have some more information here.
Quakecon has barely begun and already delivered its first piece of news. One of my all time favorite shooters, Rise of the Triad, is coming back! If you never played the first one (it came out in 1995), then you are in for a treat. I first played this game on a demo CD packaged with an old gaming magazine. At the time, this game was as over the top as you could get.
Rise of the Triad had tons of gore, including eyeballs and organs flying down the screen, combined with the story of mad nazi (of course) cultists. It featured some of the most insane weapons in any shooter. There was a flame thrower that sent a wall of flame across the screen, drunk missiles which fired in random directions and the Hand of God. The video below shows the old game with some cheat codes enabled.
I honestly never thought I’d see a remake of this game, given the fact that it was never as mainstream as Doom II, Quake or Duke Nukem 3D. The game will run on the Unreal 3 engine and appears to feature much of the same gore and insanity of the old game. Hopefully they don’t tone it down. No release date or other details are available. We will keep you posted on when you can start fragging mad cultists!
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