Child’s Play Charities Puzzle Basement LAN – Thank You!
Our Child’s Play LAN Party has come and gone. It was crazy! 32 Hours of LANing and streaming would be hard on anyone, and aside from one or two small technical glitches, it was a smooth, sensual process. We had a great turn out, and donations so generous it was hard to believe. We also got to give away a bunch of games, and a G500 mouse to our viewers!
There are so many amazing moments it’s hard to list them all, but thankfully you can catch the entire thing in the VOD section of our Twitch channel. Off the top of my head, I’d have to say some of my favorite parts were the Super Mario Bros. 3 play through that just ended up being a hilarious bullshit session. Sitting down and playing Mark of the Ninja from start to finish without moving was a personal accomplishment for me, and Dan kicking my ass at Isaac was a great time too.
Though in my opinion, the highlight of the whole event was watching Bob be utterly confused by the concept of “”stand in front of the glass” near the end of Portal, and me freaking out on him because he was thinking with Portals too much.
We raised a fantastic $4396.04 for Child’s Play Charities, more than quadruple our original goal, and you guys have once again proven we have an amazing community here at KBMOD. This event, combined with all our other charity events has helped us raise over $106,000 since 2011 and that is incredibly humbling. We can’t begin to thank you all enough for your generous donations, and we are looking forward to the summer and fall when our next charity events take place. We can’t wait to see you there, and hope you’re all looking forward to it as well.
Thank you all so much!
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