PAX Prime Games To Watch (So far!)
PAX Prime is in full swing and let’s cut right to the chase with some video games. I went out on the floor for about 4 hours yesterday and saw some really awesome stuff. We will be streaming a lot of these games this month!
Do you like boss fights? Like a lot? Because that is what Titan Souls is. Everything has 1 hitpoint; you and the bosses. It is all about figuring out the mechanics to do that one hit. The game is brutally punishing. The devs even had a scoreboard of wins vs deaths. There was a massive lead for death and this was just the tutorial. The game releases early 2015.
Dark Souls has become a phenomenon over the past few years. This year at PAX Prime it is becoming a trend in game design. We saw multiple games riffing of the Dark Souls motif out on the show floor. Salt and Sanctuary perhaps hits closest to Dark Souls itself but in a 2d, Castlevania package. Nearly everything is lifted right from Dark Souls. The art style is fantastic though with influences from From Software’s bleak palletes and Tim Burton films. Unfortunately it is a PS4 exclusive for a few months after launch but will eventually make its way to Steam. Definitely the best game I played on day 1. Check out more information on their website.
Hand of Fate is a lot of things: Dungeons and Dragons, The Binding of Isaac, Legend of Grimlock, and even the Batman: Arkham series. The player has two 25 card decks: equipment and scenario cards. You unlock new cards and customize both decks. Cards are then drawn and lay out the game map. In combat scenarios you are brought into a 3d world where the combat is the familiar combo based beat ’em up action from the Arkham games. The game is punishing and unpredictable. I can see a lot of streaming potential for this game. We will be playing it this week on stream!
That’s it for day 1! Check back tomorrow for more.