Good morning! I can’t explain this.
Good morning. I sent a tweet today with my most listened to albums from the past week. I have no explanation for what has occurred here. I have no shame. Give me all the Natalie La Rose.
Now for some news things about video games.
Bewitched: Ajay, Hex and Tim put out this wonderful discussion of The Witcher 3 yesterday. I implore you to listen; it is some great stuff about a rich subject matter. While you listen, you could view these gorgeous screenshots from the game.
The grimmest of storms: Looking for something 2d, brutal and Souls-like? And free? Do I have the game for you! Check out Grimstorm. I definitely want to stream this thing.
The best around: Ever wonder what makes FNATIC head and shoulders above the rest in CS:GO? PC Gamer tries to breakdown the greatness. Good read, especially from a mainstream outlet.
Be afraid: Soma is the upcoming horror game from the masters: Frictional Games. We’ve seen tidbits of info on the game over the past year, but now the marketing has kicked into an extra gear (in a positive way). Hidden videos in a fake OS? Yes, please.
Mystery game: 2k Games twitter is teasing a thing called Advent. That is about all we know. E3 will likely be the place we get the full story!
Run the gauntlet again: The Gauntlet reboot came out last year and I actually thought it was pretty fun. However, the developers apparently do not agree. They are trying to make up for it by delivering a massive free content update to the game. Good on them for wanting it to be better and not just abandoning the game.
Uggghhhh: Charter Cable is buying time Warner cable for 78.7 billion. Whatever.
That’s it for today. Check out the forums and chat if you need some more content!
Good talk. See ya out there.
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