Good morning! Take a nice big shot of E3.
Good morning. What an insane couple of days so far for PC gaming and just gaming in general! I’m doing this morning post without much to add news wise, because we’ve got it all compiled for you.
Microsoft: Here is our post with the live commentary of the MS event, a trailer and a list of games they announced. This sentence will now be re-purposed for other pressers.
EA is run by super villains: Or you’d think so with the suits these dudes were wearing. Also there was Pele. We covered it. Check that all out here.
Ubicringe: Another year, another car crash of a Ubisoft press conference. Ghost Recon Wildlands looks incredible, though.
Sony Lewis Can’t Lose: Sony just destroys again. Like a giant corporate genie, granting all our wishes, they just popped out wonderful games about my head and face region.
I made a list: Here is all the games announced during big conferences. I tell you whether or not they are coming to PC. It will be updated as frequently as we can!
PC Gaming did pretty damn well: The first ever PC gaming conference went well from what I heard. Unfortunately, I missed the whole thing. We will have a write up on the site soon for you guys. The big announcement was the confirmation of No Man’s Sky for PC!
Have 10 minutes of Just Cause 3
Dark Souls III is a turning point: The legend Miyazaki has confirmed this isn’t the last Souls game, but it will be a big changing point for the franchise. God, I hope this doesn’t suck. We’ll have an in-depth breakdown video up for you soon!
Whispers of Starcraft: Announced last night during the PC Gaming show, Whispers of Oblivion will be a set of missions to bridge the last Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void together. The missions will be free to anyone, even if you don’t own Starcraft 2.
Killer Instinct: I had nothing clever for this, but get excited because Killer Instinct is coming to PC!
Phew. There is even more I didn’t include, but there ya go. Have a good one.
Good talk. See ya out there.