Morning News | Tiered Memes
PAX is complete. The KBMOD crew and the rest of the sweaty nerds are beginning to make their trek home. Prime attendee or not, I hope you took a day off – because you’re going to need it.
One of the most anticipated games of the 2015 was released last night – Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. If the “Con Flu” doesn’t get you, I’d still be calling in to play this game. The reviews have been off the charts.
Were you disregarding the new Star Wars: Battlefront because it looks awfully similar to some of EA’s previous titles, like Battlefield 4? DICE’s general manager Patrick Back wants you to think Battlefront isn’t a blatant rip-off of the Battlefield franchise, according to his latest interview with Playstation Magazine. “I don’t think we have a single system in the game that is the same as in Battlefield,” he claims. “They are as far apart as any shooter would be to any other shooter. I think people will be surprised that it’s even a DICE game in some cases, but I think that the quality of the game and the quality of the audio, the visuals, the emotion it evokes will hopefully feel very DICE.” Ehh.. I’d still be holding off on that pre-order, folks.
Wanted to throw your money at a finished VR headset? Me too. Unfortunately, HTC told Engadget that only a limited run of headsets will be out by the end of the year, with more to come by the first financial quarter of 2016. RIP.
Pre-Orders got to a whole new low; Deus Ex: Mankind Divided announced a tiered pre-ordering system that allows people to play the game four days before it’s even released elsewhere, only if it were to reach the intended goal. Greasy.
That’s all I got for today. Talk to you soon!