Where are the build-guides?! (Update)
Over the last couple months we haven’t pushed out new build-guides. Why? Because of the Nvidia GeForce 1070 & 1080.
We’ve been anticipating these bad boys for a while, so we were going to wait to publish a new guide until they were released. What we didn’t expect was for the cards to sell out so quickly and for so long. The 1080’s sell out in minutes. The 1070’s are a little more reluctant to sell out, but trust us, they eventually do. We wanted to make sure that when we published the builds that we recommended cards that are actually in stock and from manufacturers we trust. Having to return or RMA something can be a long and tiring process, especially when you have to go without a graphics card for a week or two.
So are you looking to build a PC? Check out our last build-guide here. The prices will be a bit different but for the most part the builds still are great. If you’re looking to buy a 1070 or a 1080, check out nowinstock.net (thanks Hex!) or /r/buildapcsales.
Need some feedback on a potential build? Have questions? Don’t know what the hell you’re looking at? Just hit up the #build-guides channel in Discord or comment below, someone will gladly help you out.