>Eyefinity: Do or Do Not?
Have you been on the fence about multi-monitor gaming with Eyefinity? If so, Maximum PC has posted a great guide to about the current state of Eyefinity and what it’s all about. It’s a slightly long read, but it’s packed with great information. Check out the guide here.
Having recently upgraded to a triple-24″ Eyefinity setup myself, I think most of the points in this article are right on the money. For many games that support it, Eyefinity gives a feeling of immersion that you just don’t get with a single monitor. I can verify that games like World of Warcraft and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 are a very cool experience across multiple monitors.
The only claim in the article that I disagree with is that Eyefinity gives you a competitive advantage in first person shooters. In my experience, this simply isn’t the case due to relatively low framerates and blind spots on the screen bezels. For competitive play, you can’t beat a single high-resolution monitor and a high in-game field of view.
So should you upgrade to Eyefinity? At this point, it’s hard to say. If you love immersive single player games, then it’s a great way to push your gaming experience to the next level. However, for competitive multiplayer gamers, I don’t think it’s a must-have just yet. One thing’s for sure, though: Eyefinity has matured significantly since it was initially released, and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for multi-monitor gaming.