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Published on August 8th, 2011 | by Dan


>AMD dipping its hand into the RAM market

>It appears CPU and Graphics card manufacturer AMD is going to be selling you RAM as well. Given their Fusion platform, this actually seems like a logical choice. They want to make components that work well with one another, delivering better, more stable performance. Getting AMD memory with your AMD GPU and CPU (or APU) makes perfect sense.

So far we just have a product page, I don’t believe the RAM is available at all yet. RAM prices are super low right now, so it’s far to say they may not be in this for the money. Not much profit margin there. Hopefully it’s a solid product!
RAM doesn’t need drivers so it’ll probably work well, unlike some of their GPUs. I’m looking at you, Catalysts.
Source MaximumPC

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I put the OO in Swagoo. One of the founders of KBMOD. I stream on Twitch as well as writing and editing for the website.

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