>Dedicated servers confirmed for PC version of MW3
This was a nice bit of news to wake up to this morning. Activision has confirmed (at gamescom) that Modern Warfare 3 will feature dedicated servers for the PC version.
This comes in the aftermath of a huge community petition that promised to boycott MW3 multiplayer if dedicated servers were not included for the PC. It is interesting to note that Activision has announced this a day after BF3 previewed some epic footage of jet fighter gameplay, which spread across the internet like wildfire and quickly refocused peoples excitement for the game.
Activision has stated that they are doing this to show the PC community they are, though contrary to popular belief, serious about the platform. They did acknowledge that doing this will create some risks (especially with the management of hackers and cheaters) and possibly interfere with their subscription based “Call of Duty Elite” service.
At the end of the day this is a great win for the PC gamers everywhere. Like COD or not, no one can deny the influence and pull it has in the gaming market. Hopefully this will be a catalyst for other big titles (that often have development focused on the consoles) to follow suite and not hamstring us PC players out of one of the biggest perks of our platform.
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