>Valve on CS:GO, Source Engine 2 (Or Lack Thereof)
>Source is a great engine, even after all these years. It has produced some of the most iconic games of all time. It has been used to make some excellent mods (The Stanley Parable, The Hidden, Nightmare House 2 come to mind).
However, Source is getting on a bit, and that’s putting it mildly. Even the newest release, Portal 2, while beautiful graphically (not to mention a tremendous game) wasn’t exactly pushing systems to the brink. Due to this age, and our relatively short attention spans, we want something new. We want Source 2.
Valve says “[We] just update [Source] – not replace it.” This has definitely been true with each game that has come out for the engine. CS:GO looks to mature the engine even more in early 2012, as we have seen from the numerous screenshots and videos floating around. However, it is still a 7 year old engine. Come on Valve, throw us a bone here.
And just when will we see the latest iteration of Source, with CS:GO? Valve say when it’s ready. This is a positive thing, despite the aging Source engine. Valve are doing this release the right way. They appear to be doing a real beta with CS:GO, not some glorified publicity stunt. “The beta will tell us [when it’s launching].” This is a very positive sign. As we’ve highlighted on podcasts and in articles, games should come to PC when they are ready, and not before. Blizzard does it better than anyone. The game is done when it’s done. Valve seem to be following in this path with CS:GO.
So prepare to bug report your little hearts out with CS:GO beta. And embrace the old familiar Source engine once again.
Take lessons developers (sadly looking at you id Software), the guys at Valve and Blizzard know what they’re doing.
Source article: PCGamer
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