Published on December 9th, 2011 | by Dan
0Blizzard Announces Battle.net Currency
Blizzard Entertainment today announced a new feature that will be added to Battle.net in the near future, Battle.net Balance.
What is it? It will be a currency system that can be used to buy Blizzard products of all shapes and sizes. WoW game time, D3 auction house items, mounts, pets, and the like. You will not be able to use this currency to do the recurring WoW payment. This is Microsoft Points, but with the Blizzard name on them. You cannot back convert them to cash once you have bought them and there will be a limit on how many you can have at one time.
Should there be any concern about these becoming a trading currency or anything like that? Not yet. Blizzard seems to have all the right protections implemented in their FAQ. I personally don’t see a use for them unless you can somehow earn them in game, but it doesn’t look like that’s the case. Unlike MSP, you can use your regular payment methods still for all Blizzard products. I only used MSP when I was buying car packs for Forza, and only then because I had to. They may decide to require them in the future, like MSP. That remains to be seen, but I could definitely see it being the case with their new IP coming. Let’s hope they don’t. Blizzard has pretty much always done right by the customer and this is no time to stop.